Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/10/09 Word Post: Adult

The above image is the first image that popped up into google image when I typed in adult. Notice how not a single person in this image looks happy. Is this really what I am looking forward to attain for the rest of my life???

What exactly does it take to be considered an adult? Does that mean it is time to grow up and forget all about the whimsical dreams that I held so dearly as a child? An adult is a biologically mature, full-grown being.

Below is a random list of things that were put together by myself, my friends and people found on the internet to say how you know you are no longer a child.

Just one peanut butter and jelly sandwich doesn't do it any more.
Driving a car doesn't always sound like fun.
Being bad is no longer cool.
You have friends who have kids.
Saturday mornings are for sleeping.
You are taller than the slide at the McDonald's playland.
Your parents' jokes are now funny.
Naps are good.
Hitting girls is no longer considered flirting.
When things go wrong, you can't just yell, "Do-over!"
The only thing in your cereal box is ... cereal.
You actually buy scarves, gloves, and sunscreen.
You WANT clothes for Christmas.
You don't want a Camaro because of the insurance premiums.

You say to your friends: "Why don't we get together for dinner?"
You drink wine frequently.
You are legally old enough to drink everywhere in the world.

When you pay your own bills.

There is food in your refridgerator.

You don't have to ask your parents if you "are allowed" to do something.

When you don't feel like going out drinking Thursday, Friday AND Saturday.

You know what an IRA account is and think that it is a good investment.

While you are a student, everything is perfect. You go to class, sleep, eat, and then do whatever you want with the rest of your time whether that be studying or going out with your friends. It is pretty idealistic. So, do you blame me for not wanting to leave this oasis for what? The "real world??"

I am beginning to think that I have the "Peter Pan" complex. This is pretty much self-explainatory but in psychological terms it is a deep-seated belief that one will never, and must never, grow up. The characteristics of the personality include attributes as "irresponsibility, rebelliousness, anger, narcissism, dependency, manipulativeness, and the belief that he is beyond society's laws and norms." (Yeoman) Maybe not to the full extent but I hold certain that I do not want to "grow up" completely and that I still want to have playfulness throughout my life.

Yeoman, Ann. Now or Neveland: Peter Pan and the Myth of Eternal Youth (A Psychological Perspective on a Cultural Icon). Inner City Books, Toronto, 1998. ISBN 0-919123-83-X

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